
Use one of this solution to “install” the at-article component in your project.

Script tag

Node Modules

In a stencil-starter app


Article container (at-article)

This tag is the article container and indicates its scope. It is not necessary to include this tag. However, its utilization is recommended in order to form a coherent article from top to bottom.


<at-article toc="true" controle="true"></at-article>
Property Default Explanations
id at-article Global id
toc false Display the at-toc component
conrol false Display the at-control component

Article content (at-article-content)

It indicates the field of action of the main content of the article, its body, its content. In addition, the component adds a symbol indicating the end of the body text.



Table of content (at-toc)

This component is used to insert a table of content (TOC). The headings covered range from h2 to h6. The components use the anchor-js and tocbot libraries. It can be used as is, but it is recommended that you call it via the at-article component with toc="true". The content of the toc is defined by the js-at-toc-content. Add it the the at-article container for example.



Control (at-control)

This component is used to insert a control bar at the top right of the article. The buttons displayed can show/hide the toc, increase/decrease de font size, print and export to pdf the article and change the article style. It can be used as is, but it is recommended that you call it via the at-article component with control="true".



Block (at-block)

The block element allows highlighting content with a contrasted graphic aspect with the rest of the article. In this example the blocks are not numbered because they must be included in the at-article component.


Lorem ispum Lorem ispum


<at-block>Lorem ispum</at-block>
<at-block type="example" caption="true" heading="Heading">Lorem ispum</at-block>
Property Default Explanations
type default The values can be default, info, example, warning, definition or fact
caption false If true, display a numbered caption
heading   If set, displays the inserted title

Blockquote (at-blockquote)

The blockquote element is used to indicate the quotation of a large section of text from another source.


Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum.


<at-blockquote author="Victor Hugo" source="Les misérables">Lorem ipsum.</at-blockquote>
<at-blockquote type="locator" locator="53" label="p. " author="Victor Hugo" source="Les misérables">Lorem ipsum.</at-blockquote>
Property Default Explanations
type default The values can be default or locator
author   If set, display the author.
source   If set, display the source.
locator   If set, indicates the location of the quote. Only with type="locator".
label   If set, specifies the location of the citation. Only with type="locator".

Callout (at-callout)

The callout block calls for an action: a reference to an external or internal link; or describes a short content intended to attract attention.


Lorem ispum Lorem link ispum dolor es.

Lorem ispum


<at-callout type="inline">Lorem <a href="">link</a> ispum</at-callout>
<at-callout>Lorem ispum</at-callout>
Property Default Explanations
type inline The values can be inline or block
heading   If set, display the heading.

Figure (at-figure)

The figure block is used for inserting a floating image, table, or graphic separate from the main text.


Primum praefecti hirsutis ullo Montium senem in morati corpore usque praefecti hirsutis ullo Montium senem in morati.


<at-figure src="" href="" fullwidth="false" title="Si eum fuissemus" caption="Ut inter quae ululatu isdem confertos moliens et milites confertos." doi="10.1007/s00223-003-0070-0" credit="Copyright 1932 by the Estate of B. Wooster. Reprinted with permission." numbering="true">Primum praefecti hirsutis ullo Montium senem in morati corpore usque praefecti hirsutis ullo Montium senem in morati.</at-figure>
Property Default Explanations
src   The source image/file
href   If set, add a link
fullwidth false If true, add the at-figure-fullwidth class and display a fullwidth figure.
title   Title and alt property.
caption   If set, display a caption.
doi   If set, display the figure DOI.
numbering false If set to true, the figure is numbered.
credit   If set, include a credit line. If you have obtained permission to use the photograph, you should indicate this in the caption. Write a line after the full citation in your caption indicating who owns the photograph and that you have their permission to use it. For example: Fig. 1. Reginald Pepper, Still Life with Haddock. 1919, black and white photographic print. The Estate of B. Wooster. From: B. Wooster, Pepper’s Pictures. London: Faux Publications, 1932. Pl. 275. Copyright 1932 by the Estate of B. Wooster. Reprinted with permission.

Note (at-note)

The note inline-block allows inserting a content at the bottom of a page or in the margin. The note provides an author’s comments on the main text. It can be numbered or not. Note that the notes are responsive. They become clickable as the screen narrows. In this example the notes are not numbered because they must be included in the at-article component. Also note that to number notes correctly, the at-notes component must be present in the at-article container.


Default note numbering. Simple margin note without numbering.


<at-note>Default note numbered.</at-note>
<at-note type="margin">Simple margin note with a <a href="">link</a> without numbering.</at-note>
Property Default Explanations
type default The values can be default, foot or margin. The default value displays the note inline in the body with small screen and in the margin with large screen. The margin value displays the note inline in the body with small screen and in the margin with large screen without numbering it. The foot value creates a simple link to the note in the at-notes note in the section.

Notes section (at-notes)

This section block is essential to display and number footnotes. It is recomanded to be disposed outside the at-article-content block bur inside the at-article container.



<at-notes heading="Noten"></at-notes>
Property Default Explanations
heading Notes If set, change the heading of the notes section.

Reference (at-reference)

The reference inline-block allows the insertion of a reference that comes outside the article that the author uses to support his or her claim: book, article, website, etc. Note that to number references correctly, the at-references component must be present in the at-article container.



<at-reference language="en" title="Acute Effects of an Oral Calcium Load on Markers of Bone Metabolism During Endurance Cycling Exercise in Male Athletes" creator="J. Guillemant, C. Accarie, G. Peres, S. Guillemant" date="2004" publisher="Calcified Tissue International" pages="407-414" volume="74" issue="5" issn="1432-0827" doi="10.1007/s00223-003-0070-0" url="" itemType="journalArticle"></at-reference>
<at-reference title="Les misérables" creator="Victor Hugo" itemType="book" date="1862" publisher="Albert Lacroix et Cie" place="Paris"></at-reference>
<at-reference type="inline" title="Comment Je Vois le Monde" creator="Einstein Albert" date="2017" publisher="Flammarion" isbn="9782081404359" itemType="book"></at-reference>
<at-reference type="bibliography" title="La vérité sur l'affaire Harry Quebert" creator="Dicker, Joël" date="2014" publisher="De Fallois" isbn="9782877068635" itemType="book" url="">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae ultricies ante, sit amet tincidunt dolor. Vestibulum eget odio vitae enim interdum commodo vel et mauris. Curabitur ullamcorper gravida leo feugiat tempor.</at-reference>
Property Default Explanations
type default The values can be default, inline, a-d or bibliography.
publisher   Set here the publisher, the publication title or the website title.
numPages   Number of pages
language   With ISO 639 codes
isbn   ISBN number
issn   ISSN number
pmid   PMID number
url   Reference’s url
key   If not set, a key is automatically generated

References section (at-references)

This section block is essential to display references. It works like a bibliography or as a summary of the references inserted in the article. It is recomanded to be disposed outside the at-article-content block bur inside the at-article container.



<at-references heading="Referenz"></at-references>
Property Default Explanations
heading References If set, change the heading of the notes section.

Citations (at-citation)

The citation inline-block allows the insertion of a reference to a reference. It is then essential to refer the key of a reference previously inserted in the article. Note that to number citations correctly, the at-references component must be present in the at-article container.


A reference to Les misérables and an other.


<at-citation key="lesvic62"></at-citation>
<at-citation key="lesvic62" locator="53" label="p. "></at-citation>
Property Default Explanations
key required Reference to an at-reference key.
locator   If set, indicates the location of the citation in the work referenced.
label   If set, specifies the location of the citation in the work referenced.
pref   If set, add a prefix to the locator.
suffix   If set, add a suffix to the locator.

Abstract (at-abstract)

This block is used to offer a shortened content of the article by using different words and sentences to help the reader quickly ascertain the article’s purpose. It is usually inserted at the beginning of an article.


Lorem ispum


<at-abstract>Lorem ispum</at-abstract>

Summary (at-summary)

This block is used to offer a short conclusion of the article to help the reader quickly ascertain the article’s purpose. It is usually inserted at the end of an article.


Lorem ispum


<at-summary>Lorem ispum</at-summary>