at-article is a Web Component collection using Stencil for web-native article writing, usable in any web environment with a clean and flat design.

at-article logo

Quick start

at-article is licensed under the MIT license and totally available on GitHub and npm. To use it you can add a script tag in the head of your HTML page from the CDN :

<script src=''></script>

or install it into your project with npm:

npm install at-article --save

Once you have installed it, you can use it. For example, add this to your body page:

<at-block caption="false" heading="Heading" type="info">Lorem ispum...</at-block>

and you would get this :

Lorem ispum, si post exsudatos labores itinerum longos congestosque adfatim commeatus fiducia vestri ductante barbaricos pagos adventans velut mutato repente consilio ad placidiora deverti.

Would you want to add a reference and a bibliography? Let’s do it!

Lorem ispum<at-reference title="Biological concepts" creator="Albert McAugust" itemType="journalArticle" date="2012" publisher="BioJournal" pages="138-143" volume="4" issue="2" language="en" issn="2334-1984" pmid="2345" doi="10.1007/s00223-003-0070-0"></at-reference> dolor es.

Lorem ispum dolor es.


Check out the full documentation to discover more possibilities and a set of magic components.